Going vegan is way easier these days, there are so many rad vegan options for all aspects of your life – people have really gotten creative from pineapple leather to cashew cheese. At The Lunary, we do the research and bring you the best brands making it way easier to shop better, so don’t be afraid to challenge yourself and give the vegan (or plant-based, if that makes you more comfortable) lifestyle a try.
Quick side note, apparently plant-based and vegan are not exactly the same thing, but I will be using them interchangeably unless otherwise noted. CNN recently published a nice and short overview on veganism if you need an introduction to the dietary specifics. Generally, vegans don't eat any animals or animal by-product, meaning no meat (fish included), eggs, dairy (butter, cream, yogurt), honey, gelatin, etc.
Scott Pilgrim vs The Vegan via GIPHY
I recently-ish (sometime in November 2019) decided to go vegan with my diet for ethical reasons. I had been flirting with the idea for more than a year, challenging myself to go vegan or vegetarian for a month here and there, and I was vegetarian for the 3 months leading up to my decision to go vegan. I was already interested in vegan lifestyle goods and was seeking out vegan beauty and leather alternatives in order to be sure that I wasn’t inflicting harm to any animals, and I modeled the webshop after those aspirations, making sure everything we carried was cruelty-free and animal-free. I mean, even pearls can be taken cruelly, so I felt that it was best to stay away from animal products and animal byproducts altogether. After reading a super f*cked up story on @gotsofanarchy's instagram page, and having a good cry, I was done. If you need a little push to get over your fear of becoming the annoying one at dinner, or you’re hesitant to give up cheese like I was, then read the post. It’ll help put your priorities straight.
That took a somber turn, but I meant for this article to be fun! Because veganism is FUN! (Please ignore the abrupt change in tone lol.) Honestly, I’ve had a blast trying to veganize my favorite recipes and cravings. I’ve gotten way more into cooking and I feel that I have more of a connection to what I eat. Veganism is really starting to come into the mainstream — even Kim Kardashin is eating plant-based these days. Whether you’re going vegan for dietary purposes or for ethical purposes, or you want to make something for a vegan friend, or you want to incorporate some vegan dishes into your week, or you want to try eating less meat, or something just looks delicious and you really want to eat it, all are welcome here. Everyone will love these recipes, whether you’re vegan or not. I’ve had my own non-vegan testers (hi mom and dad) while at my parents' home these past few months and I almost always get their seal of approval. It is trial and error after all! ;)
My dad is actually gluten-free (and dairy-free, which overlaps nicely with my vegan thing). I think he likes that I’m vegan since I cook / bake food he can enjoy too. Making recipes GF hasn’t been THAT big of an added challenge because I use pre-made, gluten-free flour instead of making my own blend, which I swap in whenever a recipe calls for flour. I will say that I have gotten really good at making substitutions and alterations on behalf of both of us. Corn tortillas instead of flour ones. That sort of thing.
I have learned a couple of things about myself from my vegan cooking journey:
- I’m annoyingly impatient but shortcuts almost never work. Good things take time, right? (I will undeniably still try to cheat the system despite knowing that it will not turn out well. That's just who I am and I accept that.)
- And I ALWAYS over do it with things like spices, nutritional yeast (bleh) and the like, so less is more.
Going Vegan is a mini food series that will be featured right here on our blog, Waxing Lyrical. I’ll share my journey, (experiences, successes, mishaps) and easy tips and tricks for vegan cooking and baking that I’ve picked up along the way. I think we all deserve to achieve harmony in various aspects of our lives, from the food we eat to the beauty products we use to the clothing and shoes we wear and to the causes we support. Let’s stand up for our values, together.
Please note that I don’t try to “healthify” my recipes because I want them to taste GOOD and as close to the real thing or better as possible. Be open to trying new things, you never know how something might surprise you. Everything I share is learned from online research, blogs, and most importantly from trial and error, so let’s get experimenting and have some fun!
Share these yummy recipes and tips with all types of people, because going vegan isn’t a sacrifice — it’s a privilege, it’s more than doable, and it’s delicious. Try it out, make it a part of your weekly routine, or go all in – the choice is yours! Do it for animals, the planet, yourself, or do it to become a powered-up super saiyan version of yourself like Goku (*results may vary).
Goku Going Vegan Super Saiyan via GIPHY
Quick disclaimer / reminder, we (myself, The Lunary) are not dietary experts or medical professionals. If you’re making a significant change to your diet, you may want to consult a healthcare professional first to see if it’s a good fit for you. This series is based on my personal experience only.